Membership BenefitsMembership with the Cyber AB

The CMMC Ecosystems Works Together to Support OSCs

Joining the CyberAB as a member brings a host of benefits for all participants in the cybersecurity ecosystem. Organizations Seeking Certification (OSCs) can collaborate with authorized Registered Provider Organizations (RPOs), which offer a wealth of expertise and experience in navigating the complexities of CMMC compliance efficiently. Through this partnership, OSCs can ensure consistent and reliable readiness assessments; similarly, as C3PAOs authorized by CyberAB uphold a standardized and unbiased approach in conducting each of their assessments. RPs and RPAs also benefit from affiliating with authorized RPOs, gaining access to invaluable resources like specialized software tools and extensive knowledge libraries, empowering them to provide comprehensive support to OSCs. This specialized support is especially crucial, as solo practitioners may struggle to secure such comprehensive resources.

Additionally, engaging with C3PAOs for third-party assessments plays a pivotal role in upholding robust supply chain cybersecurity across the entire ecosystem. These independent evaluations provide an unbiased validation of an organization's security measures, instilling trust and confidence among participants and partners. By ensuring the consistency and reliability of assessments, C3PAOs significantly contribute to maintaining a strong cybersecurity posture ecosystem-wide. The CyberAB firmly believes that this model will be the standard across all cybersecurity conformance regimes in the near future.

In further strengthening the ecosystem, Licensed Training Providers (LTPs) and Licensed Partner Publishers (LPPs) play vital roles. LTPs equip cybersecurity professionals with essential skills and knowledge through valuable training resources, courses, and educational content. Simultaneously, LPPs disseminate up-to-date and relevant materials to support continuous learning and growth within the community.

Lastly and of utmost importance, individual professionals obtaining certification and validation of their CMMC knowledge add a crucial layer of credibility and assurance to the ecosystem and supporting processes. Certified assessors, RPs, and RPAs demonstrate their expertise in implementing and managing cybersecurity best practices, reinforcing the overall cyber defense capabilities of the ecosystem.

Benefits Summary Grid

Member Benefits \ Member Types Individual Members Organizational Members
Exclusive Networking Opportunities ✔️ ✔️
Access to Industry Insights and Research ✔️ ✔️
Discounts on Products and Services ✔️
Platform Resources (RPO Only) ✔️
Advocacy and Representation ✔️ ✔️
Educational Resources ✔️
Career Development and Mentoring ✔️
Publications and Newsletters ✔️ ✔️
Priority Support ✔️

Organizational Members

As an organizational member of Cyber AB, you gain access to a wealth of top benefits that can significantly elevate your business in the cybersecurity landscape. One of the primary advantages is the exclusive networking opportunities. Connect with like-minded professionals and organizations in your industry through tailored events, conferences, and vibrant online communities. This opens doors to potential collaborations, partnerships, and knowledge sharing, empowering your organization to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving cybersecurity domain.

Another key perk is the access to industry insights and research. Stay informed and updated on the latest trends, market insights, and comprehensive research reports that are specific to your organization's field. This valuable knowledge equips your team with a competitive edge, enabling you to make well-informed decisions and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

For Registered Provider Organizations (RPOs), Cyber AB provides an additional advantage with its platform resources. Gain access to highly specialized software designed explicitly for conducting governance, risk, and compliance assessments, all tailored to meet the stringent requirements of the CMMC framework. This comprehensive toolset enhances the efficiency and accuracy of your assessments, making your organization a trusted and sought-after cybersecurity partner.

Lastly, being an organizational member of Cyber AB means that your voice is amplified through collective advocacy and representation. Benefit from the combined influence of the membership organization in advocating for policies and regulations that positively impact your industry. By joining forces with Cyber AB, your organization becomes part of a powerful network that works towards creating a conducive environment for the growth and success of the cybersecurity sector.

Individual Members

As an individual member of Cyber AB, you gain access to a range of exceptional benefits that can elevate your career in the cybersecurity field. One of the primary advantages is the abundance of educational resources at your fingertips. Access a library of posts, vimeo videos, and online courses, all designed to expand your knowledge and skills in various aspects of cybersecurity. This continuous learning opportunity empowers you to stay ahead of the curve and remain at the forefront of industry advancements.

Moreover, Cyber AB offers numerous networking events and mentoring opportunities. Attend conferences, webinars, and exclusive networking gatherings to forge meaningful connections with seasoned industry professionals. Engage in mentorship programs that provide invaluable guidance and support in your professional growth journey. These interactions and relationships can open doors to new opportunities, enrich your career, and provide valuable insights into the cybersecurity landscape.

Additionally, Cyber AB provides robust career support and work related services. Take advantage of assistance with searching for consulting assignments, resume building, interview preparation, and referrals, all tailored to help you secure a rewarding position in your area of cyber specialty. Access to job postings within the Cyber AB network gives you a competitive edge in the job market and helps you land your dream role in the cybersecurity industry.

To keep you informed and up-to-date, Cyber AB offers industry updates, trends, and invaluable insights, ensuring that you are always aware of the latest developments in the cybersecurity domain.