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Certified CMMC Exam Information

General CMMC Exam Information

  1. The Certified CMMC Professional (CCP) exam launched on Oct 19, 2022 and the Certified CMMC Assessor (CCA) exam launched on Dec 16th, 2022. Note: Delta training is not available to those that trained under CMMC V2.0 and will no longer be available after Jan 31, 2023. All LTPs have been advised they need to be training CMMC V2.0 content by the end of 2022.
  2. Important: The CAICO highly recommends you review and have the Exam Blueprint available when preparing for any CMMC examination.
    1. Certified CMMC Professional (CCP) Blueprint can be found here: cmmc-ab-ccp-blueprint-10-17-22-final-v7.4 Final (Public).pdf (
    2. Certified CMMC Assessor (CCA) Blueprint can be found here: cmmc-ab-cca-blueprint-12-14-22-Final v3.3 (Public).pdf (
  3. CCP and CCA are NOT open book exams, please review the blueprints noted above for more details regarding the exams.
  4. You will receive an exam registration email from Meazure Learning/Scantron (sometimes referred to as ProctorU) within one (1) business day once you have completed your exam program entitlements. Please review Entitlements section below for details. Note: if you haven’t received your exam registration email, please contact Meazure Learning/Scantron customer support at or call 919-572-6880. Also check your spam folder, Meazure Learning emails are often flagged as spam. 
  5. All CMMC exams are being delivered by Meazure Learning/Scantron and can either be taken at a testing location (keep Scantron test site link) or via a proctored remote testing event. See system browser requirements for remote testing here: (keep CCP System/Requirements Scantron link).

CCP Exam Information

  1. Important: If you trained under CCP version 1.0 content, please make sure to complete your delta training prior to testing as it is an important piece of content to ensure you are up to date on DoD CMMC program changes that occurred between the CMMC V1.0 to CMMC V2.0. If you have trained with a Licensed Training Provider (LTP) on CMMC version 2.0 content, there is no delta training.
  2. Important: Please use the CCP Blueprint as a study resource, it can be found on Cyber AB  website cmmc-ab-ccp-blueprint-10-17-22-final-v7.4 Final (Public) (
  3. The CCP is exam is 3.5 hours, includes 170 multi-choice questions, requires a passing score of 500+ and is NOT an open book exam.
  4. You will receive an exam registration email from Scantron/Meazure Learning within 1 business day from the completion of your CCP entitlements, see how to complete your entitlements here: Complete CCP Registration
  5. If you haven’t received your registration email within 1 business day, please contact Scantron/Meazure Learning customer support at or call 919-572-6880.

  6. The CCP exam is available beginning Oct 19th, 2022 and is being delivered by Scantron/Meazure Learning (which you may also see referred to as Proctoru). You can either choose to test at a Scantron/Meazure Learning location, see locations here: Test Site Cities | Scantron or via a proctored remote testing event, see system browser requirements here: CCP System Requirements | Scantron.



Entitlement Requirements for Certified CMMC Professional (CCP) Exam:

  1. Complete CCP Application
  2. Pay $200 CCP Fee to obtain CMMC Professional Number (CPN)
  3. Sign Code of Professional Conduct (CoPC)
  4. Sign Individual Service Agreement
  5. Successfully complete CCP training with an approved Licensed Training Provider (LTP). Your selected LTP will provide your completion information to the CAICO, you will see your training entitlement checked off once this has been completed.
  6. Pay your $275 exam fee

CCA Exam Information

  1. Important: Please use the CCA Blueprint as a study resource, it can be found on Cyber AB  website  cmmc-ab-cca-blueprint-12-14-22-Final v3.3 (Public).pdf
  2. The CCA is not an open book exam, exam details will be updated prior to the exam launch in mid-December 2022.
  3. You will receive an exam registration email from Scantron/Meazure Learning within 1 business day from the completion of your CCA entitlements, see how to complete your entitlements here: Complete CCA Registration
  4. If you haven’t received your registration email within 1 business day, please contact Scantron/Meazure Learning customer support at or call 919-572-6880.

  5. The CCA exam is available beginning December 16th, 2022 and is being delivered by Scantron/Meazure Learning (which you may also see referred to as Proctoru). You can either choose to test at a Scantron/Meazure Learning location, see locations here: Test Site Cities | Scantron or via a proctored remote testing event, see system browser requirements here: System Requirements | Scantron.



Entitlement Requirements for Certified CMMC Assessor (CCA) Exam:

(You must be a certified CCP to pursue the CCA exam, you must also have completed the following entitlements)

  1. Complete CCA Application
  2. Sign Code of Professional Conduct (CoPC) – this should only need to be re-signed if there are updates to the CoPC within the year of your previous signing. Each year you will be required to re-sign the CoPC. 
  3. Sign Individual Service Agreement (ISA) - this should only need to be re-signed if there are updates to the ISA within the year of your previous signing. Each year you will be required to re-sign the ISA.
  4. Successfully complete the CCA training with an approved Licensed Training Provider (LTP). Your selected LTP will provide your completion information to the CAICO, you will see your training entitlement checked off once this has been completed.
  5. Pay your $350 exam fee.
  6. CCA Exam Passed – this will be checked once the passing exam results are provided.  

Note: No CCA badge or Marketplace listing will be generated until the CCA candidate has also passed suitability and have completed their three (3) Level 2 assessment participation requirements.

CCA Exam Additional Resources

  1. CCA Blueprint review, understanding the blueprint domains and required knowledge/skills. To view the video, click here.
  2. The CMMC Assessment Process (CAP) version 5.6.1, approved for training by the DoD CMMC PMO is available through your Licensed Training Provider (LTP) or within the Cyber AB Learning Management System (LMS) for Provisional Assessors within the CCP Delta Course.


  • If you have to reschedule an exam being delivered at a Scantron/Meazure Learning testing site, it must be done 48-hours prior to your testing date. If you reschedule, there is a $100 rescheduling fee collected by Scantron/Meazure Learning.
  • If you have to reschedule an exam being delivered via virtually proctoring it must be done 24-hours prior to their testing date and time.  There is no rescheduling fee for a virtual exam delivery.
  • No Show Fee - If you fail to appear to for your scheduled testing event, (virtual or in person) and want to reschedule, you will have to pay for another exam attempt (CCP $275, CCA $350).  The Cybersecurity Assessor and Instructor Certification Organization (CAICO) has to pay for the exam seat when you don’t show up for a scheduled exam.
  • If you have to reschedule due to a no show, please contact the CAICO at as we’ll have to reset your account and issue a new invoice.

If you do not pass the exam on the first attempt

  • you are allowed one (1) re-test attempt for the CCP/CCA exam:
  1. As a Provisional Assessor (PA) or CCP who fails the first CCP exam attempt: you can retake the exam 30-days after the first failed test completion date. For example, if you tested on Oct 19th, 2022 (in person or virtually) then you can retest on Nov 19th, 2022.  
  2. For CCP this means, If a PA fails a second time, the candidate will lose their PA status and will need to attend Licensed Training Providers’ (LTP) training to restart the assessor training and testing process. This also means the PA status for CCA is no longer valid and will require that CCA training from a LTP will be required for taking the CCA test.
  3. If a CCP or CCA candidate fails a second time they will lose their training entitlement check and will be required to retrain with an LTP to obtain a new training completion status check to start the assessor training and testing process over.
  4. In the case retaking the exam, a new exam fee must be paid before a new registration email is sent.

  • The functionality to support the re-test is still under development if you want to retest before the development is complete, please send an email to and note in the subject line re-test request and we can manually enable this process.


  • If you need an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodation for testing, please review the CAICO policy here.

Exam Score and Results


  1. Exam scores will be available:
    1. If testing in person, you will see your score after completing the exam and can print a score report. You will also receive an email within one business day from completing testing. You can also login into your Scantron/Meazure Learning account to obtain your testing information.
    2. If testing virtually, you will see your score after completing the exam, but you cannot print a score report. You will receive an email within one business day from completing testing. You can also login into your Scantron/Meazure Learning account to obtain your testing information.
    3. To understand how exams are scored please review the Cybersecurity Assessor and Instructor Certification Organization (CAICO), Certified CMMC Professional (CCP) Scale Score Information PDF found here: Scale Score Information

    4. To understand how exams are scored please review the Cybersecurity Assessor and Instructor Certification Organization (CAICO), Certified CMMC Assessor (CCA) Scale Score Information PDF found here: Scale Score Information

CCP and CCA Badging and Marketplace Listing

  • Your CCP badge will be availble witin your Cyber AB account under your CCP Menbership. Once you have taken and PASSED the CCP exam the capability will be anebled for you to downlaod your CCP badge. Please note that your CCP membership status (exam complete) will be update once your results are recieved from the exam provider, Meazure Learning.
  • Upon the CCP badge issuance the candidate will also be listed as a CCP on the Cyber AB Marketplace CyberAB > Directory.